Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health published a study that explored the benefits of the Mediterranean lifestyle.

One proponent of the Mediterranean lifestyle is a diet rich in fruits, vegetables and whole grains.

Another key element is "healthy eating habits", such as limiting added salts and sugars.

The Mediterranean lifestyle also involved an adequate amount of rest, physical activity and socialisation.

By adhering to such a lifestyle, participants in the research were found to have a lower risk of all types of cancers and cancer deaths.

The data was based on the habits of 110,799 members of the UK Biobank cohort, a population-based study across England, Wales, and Scotland.

Participants, between the ages of 40 to 75, completed lifestyle questionnaires and diet assessments.

Their answers were scored with how well they adhered to the Mediterranean lifestyle.

The researchers then did a follow-up nine years later to examine the participants' health outcomes.

Among the study population, around 2,401 people died from cancer, and 731 from cardiovascular disease.

Analysing the results along the scoring system, the researchers found that participants who followed the Mediterranean lifestyle more closely were less likely to develop cancer.

In fact, participants with higher scores were found to have a 29 percent lower risk of all-cause mortality.

Not only that, those who followed the Mediterranean lifestyle more closely had a 28 percent lower risk of cancer mortality compared to those with a lower score.

Lead author Mercedes Sotos Prieto said: "This study suggests that it's possible for non-Mediterranean populations to adopt the... Mediterranean lifestyle.

"We're seeing the transferability of the lifestyle and its positive effects on health."

Factors most strongly associated with lowered disease risk were physical activity, rest and social habits.

The study was published on Wednesday, August 16, in Mayo Clinic Proceedings.

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