

‘We spent £70,000 on a garden room – and lived in it for a year’

Anybody embarking on a full-scale home renovation will have to consider where they are going to live when their home is being ripped apart. Hardy souls may cut costs by remaining in situ, living with the dust, noise and builders’ mess. Others will stay with friends or bite the bullet and find somewhere to rent. Marty Orton, 51, took a more unusual ...

‘It probably saved my life’: How a low-carb diet can help with type 2 diabetes

‘It probably saved my life’: How a low-carb diet can help with type 2 diabetes - After he was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, Giancarlo and his wife Katie went on a journey to discover the low-carb diet that would eventually put him in remission

My husband finds life easy, and ‘corrects’ me because I don’t

The question I am mid-40s and married. My husband is good at dealing with life. He never worries, is never insecure, always positive, has unlimited energy and always has a solution for everything. He deals with our kids seemingly without effort, doesn’t set many rules and never worries if they eat enough vegetables or go to bed too late. Everything is a breeze; rules are to be broken and life must be enjoyed. I am not like that. I like to abide...

Caring for Canine Quirks: 15 Signs of Concern Every Owner Should Know

Every dog owner knows their pet’s quirks, but what happens when those quirks turn into concerning behaviors? Are you doing enough to ensure your dog’s health and happiness? 1. Has Your Dog’s Appetite Changed? If your dog is eating more or less than usual, it could indicate an underlying health issue. Keep an eye on […]

People should adopt ‘old-fashioned’ ways of staying healthy – Sir Chris Whitty

People should adopt ‘old-fashioned’ ways of staying healthy – Sir Chris Whitty - Making it easy and attractive for people to exercise is one of the most effective ways of maintaining independence, the Chief Medical Officer said.

Is Stevie Nicks the ultimate rock chick icon? How the star’s style evolution continues to inspire

Is Stevie Nicks the ultimate rock chick icon? How the star’s style evolution continues to inspire - The Fleetwood Mac frontwoman has been a style muse for over four decades – here’s why.

Underconsumption: Why it’s suddenly cool to use every last drop of shampoo and face cream

Underconsumption: Why it’s suddenly cool to use every last drop of shampoo and face cream - LET’S UNPACK THAT: A new social media trend is rejecting the throwing-away of beauty products before they’ve actually been used. But celebrating something so ordinary only exposes how wasteful many of us have become, writes Olivia Petter

Rheumatoid arthritis forced me to change my diet – and now I’m pain free

I can’t remember a time in my life when there hasn’t been pain somewhere in my body. It came to dominate much of my adult life. If somebody hasn’t been in constant pain, it’s hard to describe it to them. You’re masking the whole time, and everything is so much more difficult. The mornings were the worst for me as the throbbing and aching sensations...

Moving to Zambia from London was a culture shock, but now I can afford a house

Natalie Kalolita left the UK to escape the cost of living crisis and is now running her own business

The secrets to styling sporty-chic this summer

The secrets to styling sporty-chic this summer - A summer of sports means only one thing: athleisure as everyday.

‘I’m not in finance for the money, I want to help people’: the City’s next generation

The sound of the summer is a song with the lyrics “I’m looking for a man in finance”, which has taken over TikTok. It goes on: “Trust fund, 6ft5, blue eyes…” But it’s not just banker boyfriends on the wish list – City careers are also in demand. In an era of job instability and high living costs, Gen Z is increasingly looking to work in banking, de...

Adam Peaty's 8,000-calorie diet equivalent to 18 steaks a day and gruelling gym routine

Adam Peaty's Olympics success is well-known but what he does behind the scenes to achieve it is less so, with plenty of planning going into his diet and workouts

How to lower your blood sugar levels, as new research reveals heart disease link

How to lower your blood sugar levels, as new research reveals heart disease link - Diet, exercise and lifestyle factors all play a role. By Katie Wright.

What happened when I ate a 1960s diet for a week

It’s one of the hottest days of the year so far, but my oven is on and blasting. Inside is a joint of beef and a tray of roast potatoes sizzling in beef dripping. Ready to go is my Yorkshire pudding; bubbling away on the stove is a pan of rice pudding, next to a couple of tins of peas and carrots, ready to be heated up. It’s a bit counter cultural,...

Have a home, or have a life? The brutal reality young adults face

Increasingly, Millennials and Gen Z are also being forced to make brutal choices about what they can and cannot afford to do

I walked off five stone and beat my sugar cravings

It’s the story of so many midlife men. The weight had crept on slowly. I hardly ever weighed myself and when I looked in the mirror I’d pull in my stomach and thought I still looked great. My wife Kim had been buying bigger clothes for me and I didn’t pay much attention to my size. In reality, my belly was enormous; I could barely stand up straight...

I went solo travelling in my 60s - here's what it taught me

Eager to discover the real Italy, Lorna Jackson, 72, went on a three-month solo exploration. Speaking to GH, she shares the life lessons that she returned home with.

Despite owning hundreds of perfumes, I always go back to this one brand to boost my mood come summer

It makes my citrus-loving heart happy

Living in Faro, the Algarve: best areas, cost of living and advantages

Faro, the capital of Portugal's sunny Algarve region, attracts residents and tourists for its natural beauty, cultural heritage and enviable quality of life. This charming city, situated in the south of Portugal, offers a vibrant mix of tradition and modernity, making it a popular destination for those looking to live a quiet life by the sea.

Steve Aoki on How He Balances Health and a Quest for Longevity with Worldwide Partying

The globe-trotting DJ and producer is working hard to stay on top of the EDM world at 46. He shares his plan to win the longevity game

How To Wear Strawberry Blonde Hair Now, According To A Hairstylist

Everyone from Blake Lively to Sydney Sweeney is experimenting with copper tones

A moment that changed me: I thought fitness was my superpower. Then I realised it was a ball and chain

I have Jane Fonda to thank for my fitness “discovery” in the late 1980s. Still in my teens, I wore through the carpet doing her workout videos in front of the TV. I also spent hours ploughing up and down the pool at the local leisure centre and honing my muscles at the gym. I always regarded fitness as my superpower. Something that I worked hard at, for sure, but something that gave me kudos. Keeping fit – I mean, really fit – seemed to me an...

I never know what to do with my long hair, but since getting the 'concave cut' my daily styling routine has been so much easier

I'll never get 'just a trim' ever again

Why bolero trend seen in Emily in Paris should not be shrugged off

Emily in Paris, the hit Netflix show that follows the American expat Emily Cooper as she navigates the capital, is known for outraging Parisians with its cliches about berets, their rudeness and fondness for long lunches. However, it was millennials this week who were left horrified after the release of a trailer for its highly anticipated fourth season. In the sneak peek, its protagonist, Emily, is seen wearing a bright pink bolero, reminiscent...

Always struggle to get up in the morning? 9 failsafe tips for becoming a morning person and actually enjoying it

Rise and shine.

‘After years of failed fad diets + workouts, I started lifting weights'

'At 43, it changed everything'

I knew I had to give up drinking when my daughter asked ‘why is mummy behaving so strangely?’

I’m pretty sure I gravitated towards a career in advertising because of the heavy drinking lifestyle, although I now think that whatever industry I’d found myself in, I’d have been a drinker, because alcohol gave me the social confidence I lacked. My first foray was trying cider when I was 15 and drinking with my then-boyfriend who was older than m...

What you can do every night to prevent irritable bowel syndrome

What you can do every night to prevent irritable bowel syndrome - Study finds leading healthy lifestyle strongly linked to lower chance of developing condition

5 secrets to ageing well — from the nations who are living proof

5 secrets to ageing well — from the nations who are living proof - Taking a cue from some of the world's healthiest countries could help you to hack the ageing process, says Louise Pyne. From Fika to Ikigai these are the habits to know

6 Summer Trends Italians Have Mastered That Channel "La Dolce Vita" Dressing

A taste of the good life.

‘Slay, serve, survive’: How gen Z is rewriting the rules of work

For many of us, turning on an out-of-office is one of the last things to do before going on holiday. It is typically a concise message outlining that you’re on annual leave and who to contact in your absence. But for some gen Z workers, an OOO is becoming another way to add a bit of pizzazz to work culture; a way to showcase their personality, as well as their approach to the office. With high summer now in full swing and offices temporarily...

I’m 84 and can still do the splits – here’s how to stay active as you age

Growing up I hated exercise, and would deliberately lose my navy knickers any time we had to do sports at school. But at 25, after the birth of my third child, I’d gotten so fat that my mother said: “you should really do some exercise.” This was the early 1960s, so that meant going along to her Keep Fit class in a church hall, which I loathed. Yet ...

20 Common Misconceptions About Life in England

Can a 9pm bedtime cure me of my constant exhaustion?

New research found a third of people in the UK are not happy with their quality and quantity of sleep

The Green Goddess: I’m still fit at 85 – these are the rules I swear by

Diana Moran still has the leotard that made her famous as the Green Goddess in the 1980s. It still fits, but she says: “The elastic has got a little saggy.” Age has been far kinder to Moran, who at 85 has the poise and elegance that made her a role model to a generation of keep-fitters. Today she is reaping the rewards of practising what she preach...

An expert explains exactly how you should cleanse dry skin

Including all the best formulas to use now

Are you overeating? Here’s how to tell – and break the habit

A second slice of cake on your birthday, an extra burger at a BBQ and a few too many chocolates at Christmas – we all occasionally overindulge. But it can be damaging for our health if it becomes a common occurrence. An overeater may regularly find themselves eating five or six biscuits, instead of one or two. It’s not as severe as binge eating (wh...

Love your job and worried about retiring? How to stay busy and avoid post-retirement blues

Love your job and worried about retiring? How to stay busy and avoid post-retirement blues - People need to let family, friends or a health professional know if they are struggling, as some people do get depressed after they enter retirement.

Four-year diabetes delay reduces death and complications in prediabetic patients

Individuals diagnosed with prediabetes can reduce their long-term risk of death and diabetes-related health complications if they delay the onset of diabetes for just four years through diet and exercise. Guangwei Li of the China-Japan Friendship Hospital and colleagues report these findings in ...

10 things that made people realise they’re not ‘young’ anymore

One factor can determine how satisfied you are with your life

10 most relaxing places to live in the UK revealed

ApoE—The Single Most Important Gene for Longevity

APOE is the primary cholesterol carrier in the brain and plays a major role in packaging and transporting LDL cholesterol throughout the body. Is Longevity Genetic? ( was the previous video. My new book, How Not to Age (, is all about aging and longevity, and you can get your copy now at your local public library or wherever books are sold. If you haven’t seen them yet, check out the book trailer ( and my new presentation ( (As always, all proceeds I receive from all of my books ( are donated to charity.) New subscribers to our e-newsletter always receive a free gift. Get yours here: Have a question about this video? Leave it in the comment section at and someone on the team will try to answer it. Want to get a list of links to all the scientific sources used in this video? Click on Sources Cited at You’ll also find a transcript and acknowledgements for the video, my blog and speaking tour schedule, and an easy way to search (by translated language even) through our videos spanning more than 2,000 health topics. Thanks for watching. I hope you’ll join in the evidence-based nutrition revolution! -Michael Greger, MD FACLM Captions for this video are available in several languages; you can find yours in the video settings. View important information about our translated resources: • Subscribe: • Donate: • Podcast : • Books: • Shop: • Facebook: • Twitter: • Instagram:

Living with COPD: ‘I kept smoking for years after diagnosis. I enjoyed it’

Despite being diagnosed with COPD in her early forties, it was only after she was repeatedly hospitalised 20 years later that former teacher Debbie Lindsay finally managed to give up smoking

Immigrants Breathing New Life Into UK Communities

As you scan through your local newspaper or take a stroll through your town, have you noticed some positive changes? It’s not just by chance; here’s a candid look at how immigration has been quietly boosting small towns across the UK. 1. New Flavours on Your Doorstep Think about the new variety of food available ... Read more

Pros and Cons of Living in the Algarve

The Algarve is one of the most stunning areas of southern Portugal, and like all regions, has both benefits and drawbacks for its residents. Carefully consider the following factors if you are thinking about moving to the region.

Calorie-starving slowed down my metabolism – this is what I did to lose a stone

This time last year I was feeling really depressed about my weight. In the previous 18 months, I’d put on a huge amount, mainly on my stomach, and because I’m short – just over 5’1” –  I looked pregnant. But I was at a total loss about what to do about it; I felt like I ate relatively healthily, opting for low-calorie meals and often avoiding carbs...

Study suggests switching from smoking to vaping indoors may reduce children’s secondhand exposure to nicotine

By Vijay Kumar Malesu In a recent study published in the JAMA Network Open , a group of researchers compared nicotine absorption among children exposed to secondhand tobacco smoke, secondhand vapor, and those with no exposure. Study: Secondhand Nicotine Absorption From E-Cigarett...

Best posture correctors to support and straighten your back

Best posture correctors to support and straighten your back - It’s never been more important to watch your back

Wealth really does improve health – and here's proof

Wealth really is health.