Unless an obsession with Chef’s Table has kept you from watching any other news, it’s likely you’ll have seen the recent warnings that we have just twelve years to keep global warming to a maximum of 1.5C. Just half a degree over this will significantly increase risks of drought, floods, extreme heat and poverty for millions, The Guardian reported. Scary stuff.

If this has got you thinking about the changes you can make, considering your diet might be one of them, specifically switching from a meat-centric diet.

Enter flexitarianism. As the name suggests, this is a more flexible approach to being vegetarian. Defined as ‘semi-vegetarian,’ this is a plant-based diet with the occasional inclusion of meat (yep, you don’t have to give up that Sunday roast or Christmas dinner forever).

With one in eight of Brits (8% of men and 15% of women) currently identifying as flexitarian, it’s a lifestyle choice that’s growing and growing. The best thing about flexitarianism? It also happens to be a really healthy way to eat. After all, as research has shown, eating excessive amounts of red meat has been linked to heart disease and increased cholesterol levels.

But what is excessive? Does a ham omelette, chilli for lunch and meatballs with courgetti for dinner fit this category? According to the NHS it depends on portion size. The recent guidelines suggest eating no more than 70g of red and processed meat per day. By doing so, you help reduce your risk of bowel cancer, which is now the third most common cancer among women.

Recent research, published in Animal Frontiers, found there was no good evidence to suggest red meat is dangerous when consumed in moderation — below 75g a day — and as part of a healthy diet. In fact, increasingly veganism is falling out of favour, with studies showing young women on a plant-based diet are not consuming enough iron, calcium and other vital nutrients.

An easy way to gradually change your eating habits is to ‘have meat-free days so the average amount you eat [of red and processed meat] is no more than 70g,’ says NHS.

Thinking about joining the flex club? WH chatted to nutritional therapist Angelique Panagos about the healthiest way to do it.

First up, what does the flexitarian diet involve?

‘A flexitarian diet is primarily plant-based, but occasionally includes meat, fish, dairy and eggs,’ Panagos explained. ‘The best thing about the flexitarian lifestyle is it’s accessible to all and relatively easy to adopt. It promotes a balanced approach and it’s all about consistency over perfection.’ Flexitarians choose the amount of non-plant-based foods they eat. However, for a point of reference, it’s closer to once a week than once a day.

What are the benefits of a flexitarian diet?

‘If you approach flexitarianism in a healthy way, and stick to non-processed food and balanced meals, there are huge benefits,’ Panagos commented. ‘Plant-based eating increases your fibre intake which helps improve gut health. This has a whole range of positive knock-on effects including balancing hormone levels and reducing skin issues.’ Essentially this means more regular trips to the loo (a good thing). ‘Eating more vegetables and fruit also ups your levels of phytonutrients, a key component in keeping cells healthy within the body.’

What is the best way for beginners to approach flexitarianism?

Much like any lifestyle or way or eating, flexitarianism can be done in a healthy or unhealthy way. Living off vegan doughnuts or chips is never going to be good for your health or wellbeing. ‘As with any diet, avoiding processed foods as much as possible is fundamental. While we know when we’re eating a slice of cake or packet of crisps, it’s packed with sugar or salt, with processed meals it’s not necessarily clear,’ Panagos points out.

When starting to eat less meat, Panagos also suggests thinking carefully about protein. ‘Protein forms the building blocks of our muscles and plays an important part in controlling blood sugar and hormone levels,’ she said. ‘Flexitarians should make sure they are including enough vegetable sources of protein, such as beans and pulses (for example, kidney beans, chickpeas or lentils), quinoa, chia seeds, nuts and seeds. If you eat fish, this is also an excellent source of protein which can be added to your diet a few times a week.’

‘It’s also worth watching whether you are getting enough essential fatty acids (found in oily fish, olive oil, avocado, nuts and seeds) and iron (think leafy greens and pulses),’ Panagos added.

What counts as red and processed meats?

With so many ways to flavour and present meat these days, it can be tough to know what's processed and what's not. This handy list from NHS helps:

Red meat includes:

  • beef
  • lamb and mutton
  • pork
  • veal
  • venison
  • goat

It doesn't include:

  • chicken
  • turkey
  • duck
  • goose
  • game birds
  • rabbit

Processed meat refers to meat that has been preserved by smoking, curing, salting or adding preservatives. This includes:

  • sausages
  • bacon
  • ham
  • deli meats, such as salami
  • pâtés
  • canned meat, such as corned beef
  • sliced luncheon meats, including those made from chicken and turkey

Do you need supplements?

‘Before changing your diet, it’s always worth seeing a doctor or nutritionist for advice. While embracing a flexitarian diet doesn’t necessarily mean you need additional supplements, having a blood test to check your current levels of iron or B12 can be useful just in case.’

Keen to give flexitarianism a go? Try these nutritionist-approved meal ideas from Panagos:


Oat porridge cooked with coconut milk and topped with almond butter, flaxseed, cinnamon and blueberries


Poached salmon with quinoa and green salad dressed, with a flaxseed, olive oil, lemon and avocado dressing


Lentil shepherd’s pie topped with sweet potato mash, and served with broccoli and spinach

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